Don’t pay for someone who has been “kidnapped”

| 26 Mar 2019

If you get a call from a stranger saying that they’ve kidnapped your loved one, don’t panic. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Stay CALM. Never be pressured into giving into the “kidnapper’s” ransom demands.
  2. Confirm the whereabouts of your loved one. Send them a text, or give them a call using another phone.
  3. If your loved one is overseas, try to get in touch with them using other means such as WhatsApp or Facebook.
  4. Still unable to get in touch? Get a second opinion. Call a trusted friend or talk to a relative before you act as you may be overwhelmed by emotion and err in your judgment.

While Kidnap scams are on the decline, we should never let our guard down. Always remember, in the case of Kidnap Scams: Don’t Panic. Don’t Believe. Don’t Give.


The punishment for Kidnapping is an imprisonment of up to 10 years, fine, and/or caning.

If you have reasons to believe that your loved one has been kidnapped, call the police immediately.
